Though I am grown in size or i am some twenties doesn't mean that i don't like cartoon movies , infact i am fan of toons , my all time favorites were Justice league and batman and superman and ....... list is soooooo long .... :p ...

when i saw disney movie WALL-E , i felt same excitement that i felt as a kid i went to gone to watch alladin ( i guess it was my first toon movie in theaters lolz, sweet memories ahhh ...) ... and like always , disney did great movie ... and i bought DVD of that movie too ( from CC ) !!! and i don't know but i guess , i saw it about 15 times then after on my TV nd Lappy ... may be it sounds crazy , but i always do with the movies that i like a lot ... ( latest one is , tropic thunder ... hahaha that is funny movie too ... ) ...

I liked the way movie picturized , you feel like nearly real locations and like all scenes were shot from handy cam !!! I liked the animation of Wall-E himself ... i mean they try to show human expression on a face of robot and more over its a machine .. ( not a robot like IRobot ,say more human faced robots ) ... he is always curious to know things and will do anything for his love ( just like humans ) !!! his girlfriend was more like a machine too , not much impressive but her voice was cute , the way she calls wall-e was really sweeeeeeeeeeeeet ...

Well, its less talkative movie and so some ppl felt bored with this movie ... may be they are right ... but for me , i enjoyed it .. ( may be becase i like toons !!! ) ... i was just feeling to write about this movie so i blup about it here ... :p ...

Njoy ....
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Hey guys , well i don't think that i am writing something very new ... but it sure looks sweet ... the animated tag cloud just like you can see right of this page .... it is tags that we put at end of each posts ...... There is a one good lady ... "Amanda" , she actually wrote code for this cloud , i am just copy and pasting her code ... ( ahh , i am not good at coding ... sigh sigh .. )

pre-requisites ...

... you must have some tags ...

... number of tags must not be much ... ( she didn't mentioned this but i was not able to get this thing done for long time till yesterday just because of this reason , i got load of tags for both blogs )

... good skill to do copy and paste ... ( i guess , i am maestro of this skill !!! )

... ability to read english !!! ( .. hmm , i guess i have to put it first :p )

okie .. here are the steps ...

  1. log in into blogger account and then go to layout in it , go to Edit HTML.
  2. make sure to NOT to have checked expand widget templates , it will just make things more complicated .
  3. find , ... in HTML code. ( you can do it by hitting Ctrl+F and then simply search it !!! )
  4. just below this line paste this code ...

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="250" height="200" allowscriptaccess="always" >
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
<param name="flashvars" value="tcolor=0x000000&mode=tags&distr=true&tspeed=100&tagcloud=<tags>

</tags>" />
<p>Blogumulus by <a href=''>Roy Tanck</a> and <a href=''>Amanda Fazani</a></p>

  1. and preview the template ... if you are lucky , you will see the animated tag cloud just like mine.
  2. You can change parameters like height, width , font color and background colors but for colors you must be knowing HTML color codes.
  3. To change the height and width of cloud simply search and replace the following code,

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="250" height="200" allowscriptaccess="always" >

  1. And to change color of fonts and back ground … find and edit following code,

<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> ( for background color)

<param name="flashvars" value="tcolor=0x000000&mode=tags&distr=true&tspeed=100&tagcloud=<tags> ( for font color )

Njoy ….

People , who have seen new Bond's movie ... Quantum of Solace ... may feel a bit of shock or surprise because in this movie you will find that bond has not used much fancy gadgets or anything like he used to do in his past movies !!!

Being fan of bond's movies ... i got surprised when i watched that movie for first time ... but to be honest i liked this movie more ... why ?? .. well because in this movie i feel that he's really doing "work" ... 'coz most of time things that he do are just because of "blessings" of Q ... not his own skill ... i personally believe that he only masters in just breaking and shaking things ... :P ... but in QoS ... he really has worked hard ... all fights are pretty original looking ...

may be ppl felt that this movie is okie , coz no gadgets at all ... but i liked this movie just because its kind of reincarnation of bond !!! ( ow ... sometimes i guess , i think hell lot ) ...

well i m not critic .. its just me .... so better you decide your self ...

Njoy ....

I guess , there are lots of tools are available for analysis and simulation of energy ... i call it engineering of energy ... ;) ... but i thought that they always charge for this sort of sotwares and tools ... but in my previous solar energy class , our professor introduced us with new software provided by US, Department of Energy aka DOE ... the name is Energy Plus ...

EnergyPlus models heating, cooling, lighting, ventilating, and other energy flows as well as water in buildings. While originally based on the most popular features and capabilities of BLAST and DOE-2, EnergyPlus includes many innovative simulation capabilities such as time steps of less than an hour, modular systems and plant integrated with heat balance-based zone simulation, multizone air flow, thermal comfort, water use, natural ventilation, and photovoltaic systems. It is a stand-alone simulation program but it is not having any GUI , all the I/P and O/P are text based ... but they say GUI will be soon there ... ( i guess , its pretty enough for free , right ?? ) ..

To download it , you must have to register first at DOE site ... and then you can have option to choose for download, they also have this program for Linux and MAC OS ... once you register , they will send an email containing password ... which we are required to provide during installation ...

I say , if you want to try some tool for energy analysis or just want to experiece how things really work when guys design some system , what they really calculate , what are the factors that make efficent system then this software is really good ....

give it a try ...

Save the Planet ...

Last week our professor sent me a link of one web-site ... on that site they have posted speach of Barack Obama the president elect. , at Lansing , Missisippi about his vision of an american dream of energy as a part of his election campain !!!

By winning elections at Nov, '04 2008 ... democrate Barack Obama made history in the united states by becoming first black man ever as a president in history. I think he was a good candidate compared to John Mccain of republican ... Obama looks more down to earth person and he knows what people really need ... ( ow , i am not political analyist but this what i felt from his speaches ) , then his opponents ... and perhaps this is the reason why he won crown of president .... :p ...

But one thing that i liked more about him is his visions about energy ... he is more willing to increase govt. helping and resources for alternative energy production methods like solar cells or geo thermal energy ... he want to reduce dependance of USA on oil ...

He is planning to pump in about $150 billion to boost up efforts to make clean green energy ... he also want to put PHEV ( Plugin Hybrid Electic Vehicle ) on the roads on large numbers to reduce green gases ... more over large number of green collar jobs will be generated becase of these r&d and manufacturing ...

perhaps he is the first president who ever thought about making green energy as a national agenda and make country an oil independent ....

here is that site that our professor sent up to read / watch / listen ...

may the force be with us ...

DST ... its Daylight Saving Time ... we advance our clock one hour during summer and at start of fall, we change it to original one hour back position ... that is basic definition of DST.

But DST has a very brief and controversial history ... it was firstly proposed by William Willett an english builder ... but it has been said that DST has roots to romans too !!! William as a visonary , realized that most of the people sleep during sunny summer days' mornings which was waste of energy for him !!! so brought up with an idea to forward his clock an head of time !!! ( was a simple but effective solution right ?? ) ...

Since then , almost all europian countries and USA has adopted DST standards ... but it is not an easy job to implement that time ... because , they need to calculate sun rise and fall time and also need to co-ordinate with all govt. departments and lot of other stuffs ... even at time of first implementation , it was opposed politically too !!!

and Today , Nov. 02 ... at night of 2 a.m. clock is set back to 1 a.m. .... end of DST ...

i found one interesting website for getting for information about this ... they have done it with nice interface ... check it out ...

Keep reading ....