Last week our professor sent me a link of one web-site ... on that site they have posted speach of Barack Obama the president elect. , at Lansing , Missisippi about his vision of an american dream of energy as a part of his election campain !!!

By winning elections at Nov, '04 2008 ... democrate Barack Obama made history in the united states by becoming first black man ever as a president in history. I think he was a good candidate compared to John Mccain of republican ... Obama looks more down to earth person and he knows what people really need ... ( ow , i am not political analyist but this what i felt from his speaches ) , then his opponents ... and perhaps this is the reason why he won crown of president .... :p ...

But one thing that i liked more about him is his visions about energy ... he is more willing to increase govt. helping and resources for alternative energy production methods like solar cells or geo thermal energy ... he want to reduce dependance of USA on oil ...

He is planning to pump in about $150 billion to boost up efforts to make clean green energy ... he also want to put PHEV ( Plugin Hybrid Electic Vehicle ) on the roads on large numbers to reduce green gases ... more over large number of green collar jobs will be generated becase of these r&d and manufacturing ...

perhaps he is the first president who ever thought about making green energy as a national agenda and make country an oil independent ....

here is that site that our professor sent up to read / watch / listen ...

may the force be with us ...

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