Sometimes today , I read this at National Geographic Website ... And its really shocking for me ... About 19 percent of coral reefs have disappeared during the last 20 years, said IUCN's director general, Julia Marton-Lefèvre.

"If current trends in carbon dioxide emission continue, many of the remaining reefs will be lost in the next 20 to 40 years," Marton-Lefèvre said at Wednesday's U.N. talks, which are focused on creating a new climate change treaty.

"Climate change must be limited to the absolute minimum if we want to save coral reefs. We need to move forward and substantially cut emissions," she said.

Increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, which fuels global warming , is raising ocean levels and temperatures. When oceans absorb carbon dioxide from air, the gas reacts with water to produce carbonic acid.That makes the water more acidic, dissolving the calcium shells of reef-building coral and other creatures that rely on the mineral.

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