It is perhaps one of the most searched element of early ages of scientists known as Alchemists … It has been said that , one who possess this stone will get knowledge beyond our self , it will give its owner an immortal life and more , it can turn anything into gold it touches  smile_teeth  !!! It has so much importance in world of alchemists that , even great scientist Issac Newton … a part time alchemist always wanted to find it !!!

By different time , many different people claimed to have this stone or claimed to found elements that made this stone a philosopher’s stone … but none was able to give real example …

But I personally think that Philosopher’s Stone is just a symbolic presentation of goodness of human being …fingerscrossed … all i want to say is , if you have good heart … you think of others before your acts … you always want to help people who has dire need then my friend i think you already possess this stone …

Well , even if this stone do exists in any kind of physical formation … then i am sure that who ever have it , don’t want anyone to know about existence of it … why ?? … well because that stone must have shown him already that its a mere a stone  …

It’s just a wild thought that came in my mind at this cold night … smile_teeth … but i really think that , there is only one thing can make us a good person , can give us a power beyond imagination and it is a good heart …


Njoy …

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