The dinosaurs were wiped out by volcanoes that erupted in India about sixty five million years ago, according to new research.

For the last thirty years scientists have believed a giant meteorite that struck Chicxulub in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula was responsible for the mass extinction of species, including T Rex and its cousins.

But now Professor Gerta Keller says fossilized traces of plants and animals dug out of low lying hills at El Penon in northeastern Mexico show this event happened 300,000 years after the dinosaurs disappeared. Professor Keller said the meteorite, despite having a diameter spanning six miles, seems to have had no effect on any of the plant and animal life of the region whereas the volcano eruptions could have blocked sunlight, altered climate and caused acid rain. She said: 'Not a single species went extinct as a result of the Chicxulub impact.' research, which has taken twenty years, will stop the raging debate at the heart of the demise of the dinosaurs.


She said: 'The decades old controversy over the cause of the mass extinction will never achieve consensus.' Understanding what caused the dinosaurs to disappear remains a great mystery. Theories attempting to explain it include asteroid or cometary impacts, volcanoes, global climate change, rising sea levels and supernova explosions. Scientists know that at a point about 65 million years ago, some phenomenon triggered mass extinctions on the land and oceans.

Dr Richard Lane, of the US National Science Foundation's division of earth sciences which funded the research, said Prof Keller may be onto something. He said: 'Keller and colleagues continue to amass detailed stratigraphic information supporting new thinking about the Chicxulub impact and the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous. The two may not be linked after all.'


This has been always point of world wide debate … many people have spent years … sometimes their whole life just to find one single answer … HOW DID DINOSOURS REALLY DIED ?? … and , many scientists have their theories … asteroid hit … global warming … disease  … ice age … climate change … evolution … and now … the volcano … but nobody has never ever got confidence or say 100% reliable proof that their conclusion is correct … all theories are just based on assumptions … well , lets hope that someday … we will really able to know how those dinos disappeared suddenly all over the planet … because it can give us idea of future of mankind …

from DailyMail

Njoy … fingerscrossed

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