earth day 5r

And here comes again … 22nd Day of April … some intellects ( or say paranoia  thumbs_up ) celebrates this day as an EARTH DAY … its kind of appreciation and awareness program in general …

Now you would ask … why the hell should we celebrate this day , right ?? … why should we care for something that is not alive … or something that never do anything for us …smile_nerd … but thing is , being human we should know that we are the only intellectual species present in the whole universe made of trillions and trillions of galaxies ( as on dated 04/22/09 on its true fingerscrossed ) … just because of this blue planet , that gave us something that no other planet have … the atmosphere that supports life !!! …

But in thanks to that gift , what we have done ??? … well … we have contaminated its land , water and air from our toxic wastes , fuels and garbage … experimented and even used weapons of mass destructions smile_yawn … and raised the global warmth level at such a level that now ICE is melting at both north and south poles .. and might be resulting in global sea level raise !!! … we have even made our space a junk yard

GaylordNelson ( Gaylord Nelson …. Founder of Earth day … )

But there were some people who originally thought and worried about this condition and tried to celebrate a day to bring general awareness in public for earth … ( that’s characteristic of HUMAN nature, we never remember things unless we have a day to celebrate … best example … we need a mother’s day or father’s day .. to remind us that we are not test tube babies .. right ?? smile_zipit  soooooooooooooooooooo pathetic ) … anyways , wikipedia says first idea for celebration came in mind of a good senator of Wisconsin … Gaylord Nelson … and he said that something must be done for it .. it was year of 1970 ( the decades of social system revolutions )… he really tried and take initiative for making it the earth day … since then it has been celebrated every year … recycling , global warming , clean energy are some of thoughts derived from this movement during all these years of celebration …


Being citizen of 3rd rock … i really respect earth … and i do all i can do to make it less polluted ( because of me fingerscrossed ) … by recycling things that can be recycled … by using renewable energy … by minimizing overall energy usage … by using good avg. car  blacksheep  !!! … by never keeping my pc ON for all night when i am not using it ???  … using natural fertilizer and pesticides for our little farm smile_regular … and by all other means …

BTW … for people who don’t know , April 22nd is Birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin … chairman of U.S.S.R. … ( and a person who have highly influenced RUSSIA and whole WORLD ) … and coincidently , year 1970 was his 100th B’day … so If you would have joined demonstration in 1970 , you might have been considered as a communist !!!

So finally on this Earth Day … i just wish that you too do something that can really help our environment … our earth … our home … and our children ( i’m still single ) …

Njoy … fingerscrossed

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