When I was kid, this question had always puzzled me … why why why clock hands always show 10 10 ( almost )  …. or in cases with seconds hand , they all position at 10 9 6 …  ???


No wonder, i was not the only genius to note this positions … so just like me , many people had already tried to figure out what’s the reason …

There are many Myths laying around this 10 10 mystery …

  • First and most common , ( for Western countries of course ) America’s first president Abraham Lincoln was shot / died at that time , but fact is , he was shot at 10.15 PM , and died next morning at 7.22 … so its not true .. right ??
  • Second and Third Myth was same , but for John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. … that they died at this time … which isn’t true ..
  • Fourth and popular in asian countries … is … it is time when America dumped their first nuclear bomb, “ Little Boy “ on Hiroshima, Japan …
  • Fifth and silly reason is , it displays name of manufacture without interrupting clock hands …


But the fact is … the only reason why this hands are placed in this manner is , the official statement is something like this …

Timex says -- The hands on a clock are placed at10:10 because it’s a creative standard industry. The hands on timepieces are placed at 10:10 so that the company’s logo on the face gets framed and not blocked by the hands. The industry standard used to be 8:20 but that looked too much like a frown and created an unhappy look.
In its ads' , the clock hands are placed at 10:09:36, exactly below 12 o’ clock .

The practice started in the 1920s, and its stuck since then.


Darn … finally mystery solved … its nothing but just a marketing analogy ??? heart_broken no fancy reason … too bad …

anyways … this is the story why clock hands are at 10 10 …

Njoy … fingerscrossed

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