We don't Inherit this world from our parents , we borrow it from our children ...

It was my first day of Alternative Energy Class of Spring '08 ... my professor showed us this "line" as a first introduction to Alternative Energies ... It was not just a simple line ... it mean lot more then that ... It says, we all are responsible for better future for next generation ... or can say for bad future ???

We all know that , the fossil fuels are about to end .. may be withing 20-30 years ... but before they end , we want to utilize them upto its maximum capacity ... we want our plants or factories or any other installations to work for 24 X 7 continuously , right ?? but we have never realized the consequences ...

Like we know , when we burn any fossil fuel , it generates "Green House Gases" , like CO2, these gases have one funny property ... they simply tend to store heat within their atom, so higher the gases higher the stored heat , well its good for plants to grow quickly but not good it these gases raised above certain limit ... it has been highest CO2 level measure at present time , and we have seen results , in form of drastic climate changes , or say increased frequency of tornadoes and their intensity .. ( its like , you can say , we are responsible less or more for Ike or gustav or katrina !!! , believe it or not , its very true ) or increased earth temperature and lots of others effects ...

We can not even think to live without electricity for a minute, right ?? have you ever thought from where it comes ?? its mainly from thermal power plants ... and as an electrical engineer i know , these plants have many effect of environment , in which , disposal of ash generated from combustion of coal is major problem ... ash is something that we can't easily get rid of , and so it effects our environment ... these plants also play major part in increasing CO2 and SO2 gases , the later one is responsible for "acid-rain" !!! ...

In developed countries like USA , they have thinner ozone layer compared to developing nations ... reason ?? again , these green house gases ... don't blame only industries , your car also emits these gases ... and it is the reason why we need to check UV index before we go out at beach .. right ?? because these Ozone , or O3 for short, gas acts as a filter for Ultra Violet rays that comes from sun ... but now this layer got thinner , it can't filter properly these UV rays ... you might be knowing that , these UV rays are deadly for humans if they remain in its contact for long time ... ( ...remember the day when you go out without suncream ?? )

Do you remember movie " Day after Tomorrow " ?? perhaps they have picturized the perfectly , what's gonna happen if we don't care about our deeds !!! obviously not so fast but it will happen for sure ... i guess , we have more chances of killing our self by making nature unstable then being destroyed by any asteroid from space !!!

As a resident of earth ... i DO CARE for her ... We always aware of our RIGHTS , but we never think of our DUTIES ... i personally believe that , saving earth ... saving our only home ... is our foremost duty ...

I want to write more about it ... may be some other time ....

May be force be with us ...

From couple of weeks we have seen drastic fallouts in DJ and Nasdaq ... it was mainly because of weak financial companies and banks .... and as a reason , it was rumored that US economy will be in great crisis ever seen before !!! , and it created panic in investors who had invested lots of $$$ in market , and started to sell out their stocks which make situation even worse for banks and those weak companies ... which made their credit score almost NULL ... and banks like Washington Mutual has to sell their assets to recover from those losses !!!

If this situation continues , it can long the recession that US economy is currently facing , right ?? so Mr. Bush came up with a plan , he wants government to buy out those weak banks and want to stabilize the economy but thorowing around 700Bn $ in to market .... the Bail out Plan !!! , and from who's pocket this cash gonna come ?? from the tax payer's .. its obvious ...

Well , being resident of US , i am well aware of the fact that , if this situation of recession continues , it will surely effect my future as well .. because lower the economy , fewer the jobs and even least opportunities for people ... but i know, its natural way ... So , i think congress should passout that bill to support economy ... its not just about me , but its about whole nation itself ... like any other bill, there are lots of different views for this bill ... some people says , they don't want to give their hard earned money to some "risk-takers", who have inversted without considering volatility of stock market !!! , some says , agree to give money , but they don't want those highely paid CEOs to get benefit from it ... well, i think they all are correct too ... who wants to give their hard earned money to someone who is responsible for all this crisis , right ( FYI, the bill has considered this factor too , they call it "the Golden Parachute"?? but they should consider all pros and cons of this refusal ... because no matter how we neglect stocks , they are vital part of economy by one or another way , aren't they ?? ...

Today , they are gonna have congressional voting for this Bailout Plan at , 12.30pm EST, and right now , just because of uncertainty , the DJ is down by nearly 300 pts and Nasdaq is nearly 95 pts !!! , which shows the importance of this bill .... and i just hope that people get agreed to pour 700Bn $ into market to make US economy more stable ... for better future ...

I just read on BBC, that , Japan did the same for their banks from declaring bankruptcy ...

Well, its just a view from the non-technical guy , who is a bit of interested to understand economic trends and stocks ... so may be my language is sort of words from "common-man's" tongue ...

May the force be with us !!!

Being the highest populated country on earth , China is obviously having the potential to become # 1 at many fields i guess .... atleast its true for having highest number of internet users in the world !!! ... According to available informations on internet , China is contributing nearly 20% of total internet users worldwide ... ( with growth rate of 1000+% during year '00 - '08 , compared to only 150% of USA ... its way hugeeeeeee difference, right ???) ...

But before moving to new , some "information" , about IP ... Like we know , in the protocol stack , IP ( Internet Protocol ) is basically used to identify any computer that is connected to internet network .. right ?? and as a common practice they use IP version 4 .. a.k.a. IPv4 , a 32-bit addressing system which allows 232 unique addresses so that is the limit to have one and only one IP in whole world ... i know its very bigggggggggggg number but no matter how long that number is , it has one limit .. right ?? and being "non-technical" person , you might not be knowing that fact is , this number basket is about to get empty !!! ... means its just a matter of time when we will be out of these numbers , and you might believe it or not , but in human world we still identify things ... err .. including humans itself , by numbers only ... so IETF .. ( ... Internet Engineering Task Force ... " the keeper " of internet ) , has developed one new protocol namely ... IPv6 , a 128-bit addressing system , that can have , 2128 address .. ( mathematically 1 addess for 1 person on earth !!! ) .... Hmm , but its not the story that i want to share ... its about China ...

According to the China Internet Network Information Center, under the current allocation speed, China's IPv4 address resources can only meet the demand of 830 more days and if no proper measures are taken by then, new Chinese netizens will not be able to gain normal access to the Internet.

Li Kai, director in charge of the IP business for CNNIC's international department, says that if a netizen wants to get access to the Internet, an IP address will be necessary to analyze the domain name and view the pages. At present, most of the networks in China use IPv4 addresses. As a basic resource for the Internet, the IPv4 addresses are limited and 80% of the final allocation IP addresses have been used. By the current allocation speed, China's IPv4 address resource can only meet the demand of 830 more days. If there is no available new resource by then, new netizens will not be able to gain normal access to the Internet and the business expansion of network operators will be impossible.

Li says that a new IPv6 network address, which is a basic network resource without these limitations, has been developed in America, but this kind of IP address is only used among educational websites in China. To use the IPv6 network address, network operators need to spend a lot of time and money on equipment updating.

May the force be with you ....

Ah , its 6 of evening ... and i've nothing to do ... actually my whole day was wasted today ... i don't know , sometimes i just feel super lazy ... i like to sleep rather then doing my study ... i think it's 'coz of cloudy day , yaa, the sky was full of clouds ... news was that we will be having rain for couple of days from tomorrow ... and like it was not enough , it has become very cold outside 'coz of chilling wind ... i know being resident of connecticut , its only a dream to have a good sunny day ... i feel like i am an ectotherms, !!! well , its b'coz i like hot weather more then winter ... and its already September ... so my city is started getting cold , and trees in my backyard are started to get bald and our little farm of vegetables is also in battle for its existence in cold ... !!!

My whole day was a bit of like this , from the morning after i finish my lunch ... i watched again my one of the fav. movie ... " Final Fantacy - The spirit Within " ( ... i'm kinda fan of animated movies ... ) ... well, then i took good nap of about 2 and half hours !!! when i get up , i was hungry again !!! so i made some noodles ... ( actually , i wanted to try to add some eggs in it for experiment , but since i am experimenting my diet by having only vegetarian items for couple of months , i postponed my " noodle experiment " for some other good moment ) ... I wanted to go for jogging but like i said , it was damn cold out for cold blooded creature like me ... so to cut the time , finally i thought to write about my day ..... at here , of course ...

I still need to work on Prof. Lee's project of database designing but i think i will skip thinking today and hopefully , i'll do it tomorrow or may be on the day when i will go to school again ... not sure when i will do it , but not today .... its sure !!! Aw, actually i also need to finish my solar cell assignment too ... damn ... and i wanted to read that new book i got from library ... man ... what a short day .. only 24 hours ?? ... oki oki ... its enough now ... i know i have lots of assignments to do ,but i need off today ... no more study now ... i think i'm gonna watch another movie ....

may the force be with me ....

Its less then a week is remaining from the day which "Comcast" has announced .... the day from when they are gonna put " The Cap " on the internet usage !!! ... Comcast , the largest ISP of North America , is already accused by FCC , for throttling p2p application usage illegally !!!

This "Cap" limit will be of 250Gigs per month ... which is "extremly large amount of data" -- saying officials of comcast ... Comcast customers that make heavy use of their Internet connections are sure to find themselves somewhat alarmed at the prospect of being capped. After all, perfectly legal things like movies from iTunes and Netflix, online music stores, massive software updates, and other media-heavy applications do suck up a lot of bandwidth. Comcast insists that the 250GB cap is enough to send some 50 million e-mails, download 62,500 songs, or download 125 standard-definition movies. Okay, so if a cap is going to be enforced, 250GB isn't that bad. It beats the 60GB caps and lower caps seen elsewhere in North America and it's a nice change from the company's previous etherial and mysterious caps. Still, investing in the infrastructure necessary to alleviate the need for caps is a better option for everyone involved.

In a statement e-mailed to Ars, Free Press called the caps "relatively high," but said they were also an indictment of current US broadband policy. "If the United States had genuine broadband competition, Internet providers would not be able to profit from artificial scarcity‚ they would invest in their networks to keep pace with consumer demand," said Free Press research director S. Derek Turner. "Unfortunately, Americans will continue to face the consequences of this lack of competition until policymakers get serious about policies that deliver the world-class networks consumers deserve". In May when the cap was first rumored, there was also buzz that Comcast might try to charge customers $15 for every 10GB they went over the limit.

The company has also joined in with other ISPs in trying to devise a P2P user's bill of right and contemplated the use of P4P software.

I bet , you can't find a single person who hasn't done this before .. right ?? ... Well, there are some sites on the internet that let you make prank calls on some selected pre-defined scenarios .. one of those site is ... hoaxcall ....

It offers three of these board that can control , then use to connect you to any number in the US,Canada or UK. Each soundboard scenario has a different theme. The site has launched with just three, one that fakes a live radio call , a standard wrong number , and an "annoying eBay buyer" who is attempting to return a computer that she got from site. The perfect thing is , it allows you to choose specific names so it gets less chances of the person hanging up !!! It combines standard soundboard with VOIP , so you can hear your call through speakers and send over each audio clip in real time ...

One thing is , they don't allow you to make call on same number till next two weeks after calling once !! I think its good ... Anyways , according to them , the number once called get stored in their temporary database for two week and then it gets removed ...

About privacy .... according to that guys , they says , they are not using these numbers for any other purpose...

Good thing is , its all free service , and you don't even need to get registered for it ... also if you don't want to be victim of prank call from that site ... then you can add your number to block call list !!!

so start having fun ...

njoy ....

Before long, sensors may be implanted in our bodies to do things like measure blood-glucose levels in diabetics or retinal pressure in glaucoma patients. But to be practical, they'll have to both be very small--as tiny as a grain of sand--and use long-lasting batteries of similarly small size, a combination not commercially available today.

Now researchers at the University of Michigan have made a processor that takes up just one millimeter square and whose power consumption is so low that emerging thin-film batteries of the same size could power it for 10 years or more, says David Blaauw, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Michigan and one of the lead researchers on the project.
But when this processor, dubbed the Phoenix, is coupled with a battery, the whole package would only be a cubic millimeter in volume. At this scale, Blaauw says, it could be feasible to build the chip into a thick contact lens and use it to monitor pressure in the eye, which would be useful for glaucoma detection. It could also be implanted under the skin to sense glucose levels in subcutaneous fluid. More broadly, this low-power approach to processor design could be used in environmental sensors that monitor pollution, or structural health sensors, for instance.

The processor uses only about 30 picowatts (a picowatt is one-millionth of one-millionth of a watt) of power when idle. When active, the processor consumes only 2.8 picojoules of energy per computing cycle. That amount is about a tenth of the energy used by the most energy-efficient chips on the market, says Jan Rabaey, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, who was not involved in the research.

The Michigan team's main idea was to design a chip that runs at an extremely low voltage. While microprocessors for personal computers may require two volts of electricity per operation, the Phoenix only needs 500 millivolts, or 75 percent less.

At this voltage, parts of the chip don't operate well, explains Blaauw, so his team redesigned the chip's memory, which is smaller than most processor memory, and its internal clock so that it could operate with minimal electrical input. The chip's clock--the timepiece that synchronizes number-crunching operations--has been reduced to an extremely slow rate of 100 kilohertz, as opposed to the gigahertz rates of personal computers. This approach makes sense for sensors, says Blaauw. "If we wanted to monitor pressure in the eye . . . we only need to take readings every few minutes," he says.Additionally, the researchers paid close attention to the energy loss that occurs while the chip is in sleep mode, or not collecting or processing data. Transistors in the newest computers are made using a 45-nanometer process in which features on a chip are 45 nanometers in size. While this allows for more transistors on a smaller chip, it also results in electrical leakage, due to the physics of the materials at this scale. Blaauw and his team opted for larger transistors made using a 180-nanometer process, from a previous generation of chips. These transistors are in a "sweet spot," says Blaauw. They are big enough to have minimal leakage and yet small enough for the researchers to fit a large number on a one-millimeter-square chip.

To further minimize leakage, the researchers added special transistors that completely shut off the power supply to the processing transistors when the chip is in standby mode. This is a common approach, says Blaauw, but his team took it to the extreme and dedicated much more of the chip than usual to these "power-gating" transistors. "If a normal [chip] designer would look at this, he'd say, 'You're out of your mind,'" Blaauw says. "But it gives us the power-savings trade-off we need." In sum, the researchers combined a number of already existing tricks and fine-tuned them to achieve the record-breaking low power consumption.

The Michigan team, which is also led by Dennis Sylvester, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, still must add a battery to the Phoenix, and it needs to develop a way for data to be offloaded from the chip for further analysis. Once this is done, the researchers can work on full integration within a biological system, which could take years.

Berkeley's Rabaey, who is writing a book on low-power processors, says that the work is significant. "What has impressed me is that they've driven this to quite extreme numbers," he says. "The energy consumption is extremely low. Nobody else has come even close to this." Rabaey notes that this processor is intended for specialty sensor applications and that it won't show up in a cell phone anytime soon. However, it's an important step toward building implantable medical sensors whose batteries can last for years.

The idea of this low voltage chip is not new, says Rabaey: it's been used successfully in the watch industry for decades. But within the past few years, academic and industry interest in such design has blossomed as engineers are exploring more varied and ubiquitous uses of sensors, devices that require energy-saving tricks in order to be practical.

Like many other students , I also don't live on campus , and so i have to driver about 35 miles when ever i have classes ... ( luckily i have taken classes only on monday and wednesday so its not a big deal ) ... but this driving is a little fun and little boring part too ....

When weather is good and my fav. radio station is playing nice songs , i love to drive ... but i hate it really when its heavy raining or super snowing ... i mean , on that time instead of enjoying i have to be more careful because roads get risky during those times .... also , i really hate these low frequency FMs when i can't signals properly when i m about 15 miles closer to you college , so those 15 miles i have to switch over another station / stations ... because others are pretty boring :( ...

And perhaps the worst part is getting stuck on traffic jam on highway ... if you are proude citizen of some ultra metropoliten cities like NewYork or Las Vegas then , you might be habituated with jams .. but since my city is very small .. ( the city's welcome sign board says it has only 17K population !! ) .. it makes me a bit nervous .... god , i really hate it ... and i wish , how great it would be if my car can fly just like Sci-Fi movies ..... by the way i loved star wars , hmm .. may be its my "source" of inspiration !!! ... but unfortunately , we are still using gasoline as fuel and since its prices doesn't seem to be gonna reduce soon , i think i have to wait for about 20/30 years more till they find some other means to dump people from one place to another .. may be something like " teleportation " ... huh ??? ... ah , just a day dream , coz of games i guess ...

here is the snapshot that i tool during my eternal journey back to home !!!

its near , exit 54 ... well , there was whole lane jammed from exit 53 to 54 .. about more then a mile , like you can see ... i got stuck here for about 45 mins ... ah ... being a poisitive guy , instead of saying being stuck there , i would like to say , i got plenty of free and plesent time to enjoy nature's beauty around me on that exists !!! but i hope that i face it again ... but being commuter i know that its gonna happen again and soon !?!?

njoy ...

Nigeria is hooking up HIV positive couples !!!

Like many other African countries , Nigeria is also suffering from large number of HIV victims ... Recently Nigerian state has decided to match up HIV positive couples in an effort to slow the spread of the disease. “Suitors who have tested positive and are willing to wed each other, can reduce the spread of the virus and also cushion the psychological trauma of isolation,” the executive secretary of the Bauchi Action Committee on AIDS, Dr. Lirwan Mohammed, told the BBC. In recent weeks, about 70 couples have been matched by the country’s Bauchi state government. The couples are (confidentially) hooked up during counseling sessions and have the freedom to accept or reject prospective mates. Under the Islamic laws the state operates under, condom use is not encouraged. But members from UNAids not only think this is a bad idea, but also a dangerous one. “There may be a very big danger in terms of the spread of the disease,” a spokesman said. Since two people could have differing strains of HIV that could interact, they should still use condoms, he added. He also believes it would be bad for kids. “The chances are that child would become a double orphan, they would lose both parents.” At least one HIV groom is happy, though. “If we should fear God, we should stop spreading the HIV virus through indiscriminate marriage, thereby infecting innocent people,” he told the news service anonymously. An estimated 2.4 million Nigerians are living with HIV.

Well , I think , its will not stop spreading AIDS at all , but it will surely help to reduce a little amount , and if this program succeeds then it will show new path to other countries too !!

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Well , i am surprised yesterday when my brother told me about this site ( being internet savvy i thought i knew everything ... but now i realized that , it really takes a life time to say "yes , i know it !!! " ... this e-passport photo site provides you 60+ country's passport size photo frames .... so all you need is to choose the country for which you want to have passport / visa ... and upload pic that you want .... and then with little editing , you will get your passport size photos ready and arranged in a sheet ... next thing you need is a photo printer !!!

i think its very useful site , if you don't bother to go to photoshop for getting passport size photos for passport and visa or any other requirements .... which is relatively tiresome process ,right ??

but if you care for your privacy and think that may be your photos can be used or are being used by some ill-wish guy ... then better you stay off !!! , because i don't read anywhere that they guarantee that the pic that you have uploaded will be safe with them ....

Still its free and handy ... so .. its good to pay a visit atlest ...

njoy ....

Hey all ....

This is my second blog .... but it is little different then my blog "cyber junk" which is all technical blog ... because this blog is something more about the other side of my personality ... sometimes , i feel like there is something inside my soul that encourages me to do things that are not of my "type" ... ( well , this blog is also reaction of that kind of encouragements .... ) .... being "emo" , is not a good sign if you want to be "successful" in you life .. ( yah .. lots people think this true ) ... but let me tell you that its not true at all ... you might have heard of that old greek story of Kind Midas ??, he was guy who was gifted by god and so what ever he touches becomes gold ... when he got that gift , he thought he would be happiest man on earth , ofcourse who would not be happy having tons of gold !!! but can you eat or drink it ?? no.. right ?? king midas thought same ... but the tregic part of story was that , at the end he mistakenly touched his little daughter and she too became 100% gold statue !!! and so he realized his mistake and found that he was perhaps the most unfortunate man on the earth ... he request god to take back his wish and make him poor, god did so and he became poor , but in heart he felt he's the richest person now !!! ... so all i mean to say is ,so metimes just a feeling of being emo , makes you happy ... if feels good when you help someone , or atleast tried to help someone ... after all , EMOs are not useless at all !!!

This "other" soul of mine thinks that , to be happy in life there is only one key ... try to "let go" things ... ow .. let me make clear my self here ... becase this word is a bit "mis-leading" , to let go something doesn't mean that , you just let go the time and don't do you assignments ... it also doesn't mean that if someone slap you and you just let go ... but , to let go something means ... try to avoid conflicts with others ... and try to do something , that even you don't like to do but you do because that makes others happy ... ( phew , that was complicated ) ..

well .. lets hope that i will be able to keep writing on this new blog ... my other side... there is one nice saying in japannese ... which means ..

" its easy to start something , but its very hard to continue "

wish me luck ...

njoy reading ....