Hey all ....

This is my second blog .... but it is little different then my blog "cyber junk" which is all technical blog ... because this blog is something more about the other side of my personality ... sometimes , i feel like there is something inside my soul that encourages me to do things that are not of my "type" ... ( well , this blog is also reaction of that kind of encouragements .... ) .... being "emo" , is not a good sign if you want to be "successful" in you life .. ( yah .. lots people think this true ) ... but let me tell you that its not true at all ... you might have heard of that old greek story of Kind Midas ??, he was guy who was gifted by god and so what ever he touches becomes gold ... when he got that gift , he thought he would be happiest man on earth , ofcourse who would not be happy having tons of gold !!! but can you eat or drink it ?? no.. right ?? king midas thought same ... but the tregic part of story was that , at the end he mistakenly touched his little daughter and she too became 100% gold statue !!! and so he realized his mistake and found that he was perhaps the most unfortunate man on the earth ... he request god to take back his wish and make him poor, god did so and he became poor , but in heart he felt he's the richest person now !!! ... so all i mean to say is ,so metimes just a feeling of being emo , makes you happy ... if feels good when you help someone , or atleast tried to help someone ... after all , EMOs are not useless at all !!!

This "other" soul of mine thinks that , to be happy in life there is only one key ... try to "let go" things ... ow .. let me make clear my self here ... becase this word is a bit "mis-leading" , to let go something doesn't mean that , you just let go the time and don't do you assignments ... it also doesn't mean that if someone slap you and you just let go ... but , to let go something means ... try to avoid conflicts with others ... and try to do something , that even you don't like to do but you do because that makes others happy ... ( phew , that was complicated ) ..

well .. lets hope that i will be able to keep writing on this new blog ... my other side... there is one nice saying in japannese ... which means ..

" its easy to start something , but its very hard to continue "

wish me luck ...

njoy reading ....

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