From couple of weeks we have seen drastic fallouts in DJ and Nasdaq ... it was mainly because of weak financial companies and banks .... and as a reason , it was rumored that US economy will be in great crisis ever seen before !!! , and it created panic in investors who had invested lots of $$$ in market , and started to sell out their stocks which make situation even worse for banks and those weak companies ... which made their credit score almost NULL ... and banks like Washington Mutual has to sell their assets to recover from those losses !!!

If this situation continues , it can long the recession that US economy is currently facing , right ?? so Mr. Bush came up with a plan , he wants government to buy out those weak banks and want to stabilize the economy but thorowing around 700Bn $ in to market .... the Bail out Plan !!! , and from who's pocket this cash gonna come ?? from the tax payer's .. its obvious ...

Well , being resident of US , i am well aware of the fact that , if this situation of recession continues , it will surely effect my future as well .. because lower the economy , fewer the jobs and even least opportunities for people ... but i know, its natural way ... So , i think congress should passout that bill to support economy ... its not just about me , but its about whole nation itself ... like any other bill, there are lots of different views for this bill ... some people says , they don't want to give their hard earned money to some "risk-takers", who have inversted without considering volatility of stock market !!! , some says , agree to give money , but they don't want those highely paid CEOs to get benefit from it ... well, i think they all are correct too ... who wants to give their hard earned money to someone who is responsible for all this crisis , right ( FYI, the bill has considered this factor too , they call it "the Golden Parachute"?? but they should consider all pros and cons of this refusal ... because no matter how we neglect stocks , they are vital part of economy by one or another way , aren't they ?? ...

Today , they are gonna have congressional voting for this Bailout Plan at , 12.30pm EST, and right now , just because of uncertainty , the DJ is down by nearly 300 pts and Nasdaq is nearly 95 pts !!! , which shows the importance of this bill .... and i just hope that people get agreed to pour 700Bn $ into market to make US economy more stable ... for better future ...

I just read on BBC, that , Japan did the same for their banks from declaring bankruptcy ...

Well, its just a view from the non-technical guy , who is a bit of interested to understand economic trends and stocks ... so may be my language is sort of words from "common-man's" tongue ...

May the force be with us !!!

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