We don't Inherit this world from our parents , we borrow it from our children ...

It was my first day of Alternative Energy Class of Spring '08 ... my professor showed us this "line" as a first introduction to Alternative Energies ... It was not just a simple line ... it mean lot more then that ... It says, we all are responsible for better future for next generation ... or can say for bad future ???

We all know that , the fossil fuels are about to end .. may be withing 20-30 years ... but before they end , we want to utilize them upto its maximum capacity ... we want our plants or factories or any other installations to work for 24 X 7 continuously , right ?? but we have never realized the consequences ...

Like we know , when we burn any fossil fuel , it generates "Green House Gases" , like CO2, these gases have one funny property ... they simply tend to store heat within their atom, so higher the gases higher the stored heat , well its good for plants to grow quickly but not good it these gases raised above certain limit ... it has been highest CO2 level measure at present time , and we have seen results , in form of drastic climate changes , or say increased frequency of tornadoes and their intensity .. ( its like , you can say , we are responsible less or more for Ike or gustav or katrina !!! , believe it or not , its very true ) or increased earth temperature and lots of others effects ...

We can not even think to live without electricity for a minute, right ?? have you ever thought from where it comes ?? its mainly from thermal power plants ... and as an electrical engineer i know , these plants have many effect of environment , in which , disposal of ash generated from combustion of coal is major problem ... ash is something that we can't easily get rid of , and so it effects our environment ... these plants also play major part in increasing CO2 and SO2 gases , the later one is responsible for "acid-rain" !!! ...

In developed countries like USA , they have thinner ozone layer compared to developing nations ... reason ?? again , these green house gases ... don't blame only industries , your car also emits these gases ... and it is the reason why we need to check UV index before we go out at beach .. right ?? because these Ozone , or O3 for short, gas acts as a filter for Ultra Violet rays that comes from sun ... but now this layer got thinner , it can't filter properly these UV rays ... you might be knowing that , these UV rays are deadly for humans if they remain in its contact for long time ... ( ...remember the day when you go out without suncream ?? )

Do you remember movie " Day after Tomorrow " ?? perhaps they have picturized the perfectly , what's gonna happen if we don't care about our deeds !!! obviously not so fast but it will happen for sure ... i guess , we have more chances of killing our self by making nature unstable then being destroyed by any asteroid from space !!!

As a resident of earth ... i DO CARE for her ... We always aware of our RIGHTS , but we never think of our DUTIES ... i personally believe that , saving earth ... saving our only home ... is our foremost duty ...

I want to write more about it ... may be some other time ....

May be force be with us ...

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