Heyyyyy ... sori for being absent for long time ....i think , being social ... means lots of waste of time , and worst thing is we can't escape from people !!! anyways ... this time i am gonna blurp about alternative sources of energy ...

The sources of energy are divided in to two parts , renewable energy source and non-renewable energy source ... former one means , energy source which can be generated/retrieved after very short period of time , for example ... wind / water ... etc .. and later one means , energy source which can not be generated in short period of time , it can take millions of million years to get it again ... for example , coal / fossil fuels ...

Now like we know , these non-renewable fuels are making our earth the worst place to live , more over they are not gonna last for ever right ?? But these non-renewable sources are gonna be here for ever !!!! ... i mean , can you believe that , after couple of years we will not be having air ?? or water ?? or sun ?????? no .. right ?? ... so,in short they will be here till earth it self doesn't get explode in space ....... ( not yet the time for ,intergalactic travel for star wars lovers ... sigh sigh ?? )

In recent years , people really got aware about environment and clean energy .... researches are carried out worldwide and even governments are also getting involved in these researches ... and patriotism plays one of the driving factor !!! .... yup , many countries in this world want to get free from the clutches of OPEAC , and make their economy an " oil-free" economy ... because " oil " itself takes a bigger portion of national budget ... and European countries seem to be more serious about it then rest of the world !!!

We have plenty of renewable energy sources available for example ... WIND ...

Wind is used to drive wind mills , which runs wind turbines to produce electricity ... but major problem is , we can't place wind mill at our home right ?? for that we need plenty of open space .. ( this place is called "wind farm" ) .. and sufficient wind flow ... but main advantage is , its green energy ... means not a bit of pollution , no risk of any kind of hazard or side effects to humans !!!

here is screenshot of off shore wind farm at Delaware ...

another example is ... Water ...

Well, actually water has been used to produce electricity from many decades and it has proven to be the best source of clean energy ... but this sort of hydro electric plant requires massive space to store water ... a space to make reservoir ... and its the only problem ... and again advantages ?? ... same .. clean green energy ...

guess the name ?? ........... yaa.. its hoover dam !!!

another example is ... to use Power of Tides !!!

I bet most of us have never thought tide can be used to generate power !!! well , it is very true that some countries , having great seacoast are working to figure out to put this idea in a working plant ... for example ... france and russia !!! ... its a bit of same technology they use in panama canal to move ships !!!

the energy in which i am interest the most ....from SUN !!!

Sun .... it is vital part of civilizations from ancient times , sun is considered as an almighty god , weather its , Mayans or Egyptians or Indian or Roman civilization ... it gives life to every living thing on earth ... and perhaps the most researched field of alternative energy is solar cells .... Solar cells were originally developed for space expedition space crafts , because it is the only " known " form of energy to us in space ... ( others are still under research , like "dark matter " ) ... and now a days we have seen very good examples successful use of Solar Cells to produce electricity that can be used commercially !!! .... some countries like Germany are very aggressive for this technology development and implementation ...

And , as an engineer i see very bright future for this technology compared to any other alternative energy ... its mainly because it is relatively cheaper and easy to install ... yaaa ... we can't install wind mill at our rooftop .. but in case of solar cell , its possible to install sufficient number of panels to feed whole house ... and if more , then ... can even sell back produced power !!! ... also many states of USA , provides loan and subsidies for this kind of installations and many electric companies provide " net-metering " feature .... so i can say it has good future !!!

Another source is ... a bit of tale from science fiction ... energy from fuel cell !!!

Bacially in fuel cell, hydrogen and oxygen are used to produce electricity with help of special membrane ... ( ... i really liked that study in my class of alternative energy sources ) ... Just like solar cells , fuel cells were too developed initially for space crafts , but during last decade , there were attempts to make them work for our personal use too !!! we have even seen cars running from fuel cells from Honda, GM and Toyota !!! state like OHIO has invested lots of $$$$ for fuel cell companies and they even have one plant working at present !!!! and like all other alternative energy ... is clean green .. and by product is ???... just a steam of water !!!

Hmm ... i think this much information is enough for basic ... i just wanted to show you guys how we can change our world and make is world a more good place for coming generations !!!

May the force be with us ...

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