Now a days it seems like everybody are into business of solar cells and just want to make $$$ out of it !!! ... yesterday i was browsing internet , and i came across this site ... they are selling Solar Messenger Bags !! ...

This bag is having solar panel mounted on it so it generates power even when you are walking around !! ... it was nearly 200$ !! compared to an avg. good looking messenger bag from circuit city or staples or even macy's about 30-40$ ... well , this is what they say for their bag ...

"The front flap features a light-weight, flexible, integrated solar charging module which can be utilized by using a common 12V automotive charging adapter made specifically for the brand and type of personal electronics you own. Using a cell phone as an example, you can trickle charge the cell phone battery during casual commutes to work or on campus. This solar panel is not designed to charge a laptop computer."

so ... if have nothing to do or your mobile is out of power , then you can charge your mobile by walking around in campus .... say for couple of hours !!! ... so i guess this bag is nothing but a fancy junk ... right ??

I am not saying that solar cells have no hope .. infact , i would like to use them for my house ... but for this bag ... i would rather buy psp ...

may the force be with us ...

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